Because it offers a powerful analysis engine for a very general logic, Alloy and its model finding engine Kodkod have been used as backends for many more specialized tools.
Alloy Citations
Google scholar | A sample of over 1200 papers discussing Alloy |
case studies | Selected papers describing applications of Alloy |
translations | Papers on translating a dozen other languages into Alloy |
theses | Theses about Alloy |
select tools built on alloy and kodkod
Alloy* | A general-purpose, higher-order, relational constraint solver |
aRby | An embedding of Alloy in Ruby |
Forge | A bounded verifier for Java code |
Squander | Unified execution of imperative and declarative code |
Alloy4Eclipse | Eclipse plugin for Alloy 4 |
DynAlloy | An extension of Alloy with procedural actions |
TACO | A bounded verifier for Java annotated with JML |
Equals Checker | A tool for checking equals methods in Java |
Nitpick | A counterexample generator for Isabelle/HOL |
Margrave | A security policy analyzer for firewalls |
Secrecy Modeling Language (SML) | A language for composing and validating security models. |
Lightning | An Eclipse plugin allowing to specify graphical DSLs in Alloy |
Echo | A tool for model repair and transformation built over Alloy |